Starting Playtests for Fueled by Blood!

Setting Primer

The year is 2073 AD, and the world is in ruins. Asia, North Africa, and Eastern Europe have been twisted into impossible landscapes born of the dreams and nightmares of beasts from beyond our reality. All that man has left is the eternal war machine, fueled by the blood of his kin and enemy, which has spawned a new breed of soldier.

You are that soldier: the Striker. Chosen from the best of the world’s armed forces; subjected to experimental cybernetic augmentations; given enough firepower to level small mountains. You are a living weapon of mass destruction.

Your enemies are those otherworldly beast, the Starspawn, who have clawed their way into this world through small tears in reality. Like a virus, they want to infect all they touch, to make it more akin to that endless void they call home.

Carve them asunder. Rid the Earth of those wicked creatures, and seal the wounds of this world shut. Fulfill your bloody purpose, or die trying.


Howdy! I've been fairly active on Reddit and Discord talking about my current project, Fueled by Blood!. I wanted to share here that I've finally got everything sorted for playtesting. If you've not seen me talk about it before, here's the pitch:

Fueled by Blood! is a Character Action TTRPG focused on telling the stories of Strikers: cybernetic super soldiers who wield impossible weapons and fight against an endless tide of eldritch abominations. 

These stories are shaped by the choices and challenges that they face on and off the battlefield, both crafted by the Director: the man behind the curtain who controls the tides of this war and pushes the Strikers to their limits---seeing just how far they can go before breaking.

In the upcoming playtests, we'll be mostly trying out the Challenge and Bloody Challenge systems, which are designed to handle extended difficult tasks and combats respectively. Below is a link to an intro and rules quick references document if you want to take a glance at the rules, and then an example pre-gen so you can get an idea of what your Striker would have and could do.

If you've looked at these documents and are interested, you can join me on my discord ( From there, we'll either organize on that discord or move over to another one to hosts the playtests on. That secondary discord is easy to join and leave, so if you only want to pop in for 1 playtest, then you don't need to do much.


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As a lover of diceless games and specifically Gila RPG's latest work this looks amazing. I cannot wait to get it to the table and test out this ashcan version.

Thanks for picking it up! I do want to note, however, that there are currently a couple of mistakes in the pre-gens (specifically the Oracle and Monolith). I don't know if will send out an email when I replace their files later, so if you're planning on running the game just be aware that I'll be updating the pre-gens later today and you'll need to redownload them.

If you find any of the rules confusing or have any questions, you're free to email me or join the discord. I'm usually pretty quick to answer.


Seems sick as hell so far! Almost wish u had more written so I could take it for a playtest myself lol , probably won't be able to make any of the actual ones cuz of anxiety. Really excited to keep up with it though! This the 2nd thing ive seen along the character action genre for a ttrpg and it almost makes me wanna write a system myself

Thanks amigo! It'll be a little while before I have enough done for someone else to Direct a session, but give it a couple of months and I'm sure I'll get there. You're still free to join that server if you want to chat about Fueled by Blood!, character action games, or game design---just know that I've only just made it, so there's no activity in it right now.